*I’ve attached both papers- choose one* Every module please write a 300-500 word


*I’ve attached both papers- choose one*
Every module please write a 300-500 word précis of one of the assigned papers. A précis is essentially a short summary paper, this assignment is designed to hone your expository writing skills and ability to identify arguments. The précis should describe: (a) topic of the paper; (b) main thesis (or main theses, if there are more than one); (c) supporting arguments; (d) objections to these arguments, complications or difficulties that the author considers (if any). Submit your précis each week through Canvas. Any direct quotes from the paper you choose to summarize should include a citation.
Grading Criteria
You must properly cite your sources; use the standard rules of English grammar and spelling; and format your paper in Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins.


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