9. Focus on Geoff Allen’s words: Growing up in the Troubles, all we ever saw was


9. Focus on Geoff Allen’s words: Growing up in the Troubles, all we ever saw was funerals, shootings, bombings. But instead of turning to violence, we were dancing. Protestant, Catholic, it didn’t matter. All that counted was the joyousness. It made you feel so good.” (1. 14-17). Explain in your own words what he means. Write 50 words.
Envoyé par vous : 9. Focus on Geoff Allen’s words: Growing up in the Troubles, all we ever saw was funerals, shootings, bombings. But instead of turning to violence, we were dancing. Protestant, Catholic, it didn’t matter. All that counted was the joyousness. It made you feel so good.” (1. 14-17). Explain in your own words what he means. Write 50 words.


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