I need my document fixed to meet he rubric. This is better, Jennifer! You are


I need my document fixed to meet he rubric. This is better, Jennifer! You are

I need my document fixed to meet he rubric. This is better, Jennifer! You are still missing several pieces from the rubric that are needed to earn a passing score. Those items are as follows: –Annotations on the full SE (noted in #1 of the first three criteria of this rubric) –SE with cross-outs indicating which portion of the SE will be taught in a lesson plan (noted in #2 of the first three criteria of this rubric) –Level of thinking (noted in #3 of the first three criteria of this rubric) Each of the steps is located in the TEKS to SLOs practice video. Each step you see me do in that video would need to be included here. Once you resubmit, I will rescore the rubric. **Please do not attempt the lesson plans (the two assessments in the last module) until you receive a passing score on this assessment. If you do not understand this process, you will very likely not be successful on those assessments.
(2) Identify 3 SEs within the TEKS from your certification level. Break them down into SLOs as shown in the “TEKS to SLOs” and “TEKS to SLOs Practice” videos from the corresponding activity in this module. Be sure to read the rubric prior to completing to ensure you know the expectations of the assessment to demonstrate your proficiency.


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