Provide the Context.  Note the background and the general performance informatio


Provide the Context.  Note the background and the general performance information and include it in your opening paragraph.
Impressions. The most important part of your review should consist of your individual perspectives on the component parts of the entire performance.  When giving your impressions, make sure to correctly use the musical terms you have learned.
Response. How did the audience react to each piece in the performance?
Programs. If you attended a concert in person, to what extent did the printed programs help you with this critique?
Additionally, research and answer the following in your written critique:
When and where did the work premier?  (Ex: 1891, London England, Queen’s Court)
Was the original performance considered to be a success or a failure?  Explain.
Were the performance pieces considered standard repertory today?  Or, were they obscure? 


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