Construct a paper describing your organized data collection and plan for analysi


Construct a paper describing your organized data collection and plan for analysis. Assess whether your scorecard is functional and whether it measures what it was developed to measure. Explain how you are managing your dashboard. Thank you kindly
How you collect, manage, and assess data can affect the evaluation of the implementation. If the data collection resources are not functional and/or are not measuring what was meant to be measured, the evaluation and dissemination of results will be flawed. Therefore, it is important to consider how you will assess the data collected and determine if what you are using is working.
For this Assignment, you will assess the data you have collected thus far in the implementation. Using your data, determine whether your scorecard is functional and appropriate. You will explore the best approach for analysis to ultimately evaluate the implementation.
Construct a paper describing your organized data collection and plan for analysis. Assess whether your scorecard is functional and whether it measures what it was developed to measure. Explain how you are managing your dashboard.
Past paper to be used as reference regarding topic – CAUTI. I have been assigned to a medical surgical unit to help with the increased number of CAUTI on the unit. Getting the providers and nurses to work together was initially challenging however keeping that close contact communication with the team frequently helped. Reducing the number of foleys inserted and utilizing external catheters, if the foleys are needed, then frequent Maintenance was observed and everyone was on board. The nurses were new for the most part and intimidated by the Physician providers that hindered communication.
For the sake of this paper we started this project with 20 CAUTIs and now have had 2 which had one from a patient that came in with the foley from a long term care facility and the other was admitted for a period of 97days. I was there 3-4 days a week, met with charge nurses, did device rounds on all foleys, met with the multidisciplinary team attending campus wide CAUTI meeting, participated in RCA on all CAUTI cases. If you can construct some kind of table /chart would be great. Please watch grammar and repetitiveness.


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