As you work on this project, consider the following ideas: Children’s needs vary


As you work on this project, consider the following ideas:
Children’s needs vary based on many factors, including experiences, culture, and ability level.
Children’s interests are different and often change depending on the content area. For example, a child may love to write about insects but cannot write much about community helpers.
Children demonstrate learning with different learning styles. One child may be able to listen once to a story being read and fully comprehend the story; another child listens four times and still does not understand the nuances of the story.
Literacy instruction is never relegated to one block of the schedule; it should be integrated into all content areas. For example, a science unit will naturally include components of literacy.
Review the sample units on pages 427–432 of Part Four, “Compendium of Instructional Procedures,” in the Tompkins course text.
Select a thematic unit topic based on a grade-level standard. (Use the social studies or science standards of your state standards. Include the standard’s website in your resources).
For example, a North Carolina science standard in kindergarten is:
K.P.2.2 Compare the observable physical properties of different kinds of materials (clay, wood, cloth, paper, etc.) from which objects are made and how they are used. (Retrieved from—2Links to an external site..)
Explore ideas on how a unit on the selected standard could be designed to include literacy components examined throughout this course.
Reflect on which components of these units would motivate and interest students in this content area.
Reflect on your own style of learning and teaching. Decide if there are activities and strategies that lend themselves to your own style.
Create your own planning guide on the content-area standard of your choice. Create this planning guide using a tool such as PowerPoint, NearPod, Canva, or Visme.
The planning guide format can be similar to the samples presented in the text, or you may design your own format.
The planning guide presentation should identify the following:
Unit theme based on a standard
Intended grade level
Minimum of 10 of the following components that address reading, writing, speaking, listening, media literacy, communication arts, (the study and exploration of communication, particularly in images), and literature:
Author study
Content-area textbook
Field trips
Graphic organizers
Interactive writing
K-W-L chart
Language experience approach
Learning logs
Literacy strategies and skills
Literature circles
Maps and diagrams
Object and word sorts
Text set
Vocabulary activities
Word-study activities
Word wall
*At least one of the activities must incorporate a technological component
Identification and explanation of activities that specifically support struggling readers and English-language learners
All of the information in the Planning Guide should be clearly cited and documented in APA format.


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