Write abstracts for two research articles (Factors Affecting Intention to Adopt


Write abstracts for two research articles (Factors Affecting Intention to Adopt Cloud-Based ERP from a Comprehensive Approach &An Analysis of Motivational Factors Affecting Employee Performance) and provide a critique of each article. This includes an interpretation of their procedures and data analysis strategies. Follow the guidelines below to structure your assignment effectively.
Read the Articles Thoroughly
Understand the main points, methods, results, and conclusions.
Write the Abstracts (150-200 words each)
Purpose: Why was the study conducted?
Methods: How was the study conducted?
Results: Main findings.
Conclusions: Implications of the results.
Critique the Articles (300-400 words each)
Introduction: Clarity and relevance of the research question.
Methods: Appropriateness of the research design and sample size.
Data Analysis: Appropriateness and clarity of data analysis strategies.
Results: Presentation and interpretation of results.
Overall Contribution: Reflect on the article’s contribution to the field.


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