Instructions: The assignment consists of an excel file with 2 tables Sales and r


The assignment consists of an excel file with 2 tables Sales and returns. Leverage those tables to
answer the following questions (also mentioned in 1st tab – Questions) of the Excel
1. What % of sales result in a return?
2. What % of returns are full returns?
3. What is the average return % amount (return % of original sale)?
4. What % of returns occur within 7 days of the original sale?
5. What is the average number of days for a return to occur?
6. Using this data set, how would you approach and answer the question, who is our most
valuable customer?
The data is self-explanatory and in case of any doubts, please feel free to make rational assumptions.
We expect the SQL code as well as the Excel for the same in a presentable and well formatted


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