Use the Middletown NJ case study in Chapter 15 to complete this paper PAPER ST


Use the Middletown NJ case study in Chapter 15
to complete this paper
Introduction: Ensure the introduction matches the title on the cover page.
Area of Focus: Trauma experienced (include the scope of the issue).
Who is Impacted? Include demographics on the people/group(s) impacted.
Interventions: Use the lens of a crisis intervention model from Chapter 1. What is currently in place to support these communities and individuals.
Guidelines: What are two evidence-based guidelines that should be implemented?
Outcomes: What are two expected outcomes of your guidelines from above?
Conclusion: Succinctly wrap up your writing.
Submit Assignment
Length: 5-7 double spaced pages, not counting title and reference pages.
References: a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles should be cited in-text and referenced on the reference page in APA format.
Please complete the assignment as a Word document.
Please see the Final Assignment Rubric Download for further grading information


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