Television Ratings Exercise Keep a log of the television shows you watch for one


Television Ratings Exercise
Keep a log of the television shows you watch for one week, noting the name of the show, the hour it’s on, and the TV rating code. Find the code from a reliable source. (Make as many copies of this page as you need to accurately record your viewing.) Do you see a pattern among the ratings of your favorite shows? What does this indicate about your viewing habits?
Name of show:
When it’s on:
Rating of show: —————————————————–
Name of show:
When it’s on:
Rating of show: —————————————————–
Name of show:
When it’s on:
Rating of show: —————————————————–
Name of show:
When it’s on:
Rating of show: —————————————————–
Name of show:
When it’s on:
Rating of show: —————————————————–
Name of show:
When it’s on:
Rating of show: —————————————————–
Name of show:
When it’s on:
Rating of show: —————————————————–


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