Topic: Decriminalizing sex work This essay will require you to write an 8 page (


Topic: Decriminalizing sex work
This essay will require you to write an 8 page (about 2000 word) essay (double spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman) with at least 6 independent academic sources. You need 3 premises, a counterargument, and a rebuttal
The Essay Outline: 
An intro paragraph that contains a thesis statement (Although (counter), I will argue (main claim) because (premise 1, 2, & 3).
3 body sections where each body section states and defends 1 premise with two sources per premise. (A body section has at least one or more paragraphs.) 
1 counter argument section (at least one paragraph)
1 rebuttal section (at least one paragraph)
A conclusion paragraph that restates the argument and indicates the implications of your position.  


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