I need a Professional Dashboard for the Project’s Weekly Progress update includi


I need a Professional Dashboard for the Project’s Weekly Progress update including charts.
Attached are:
1- Contractor weekly progress update in PDF. Which you will use to create the dashboard.
2- Already one tutor did the attached Excel file. It also can help you.
1- I need only one page (Sheet) or ( Dashboard) like the attached examples presenting the important information about the weekly update. 2- add another sheet for all the data, which means you will enter all the data and will reflect on the Dashboard. Editable so I can do the weekly update easily. 3- don’t forget to add the charts to the dashboard, like (Actual vs Planned, HSE , QC .. etc) charts .. check the pdf file.
Attached some examples for dashboards so you can see the idea how to creat the dashboard.
Thank you.


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