Writing and Your Life Due: Monday, June 24th, 9 p.m. Consider all the different


Writing and Your Life
Monday, June 24th, 9 p.m.
Consider all the different kinds of writing you do and
will continue to do in your life. It’s a quite a range of genre and
possibility! For this assignment, choose one specific piece of writing that you are not very familiar
with but will have to do for a future course, job, or in your life in
some capacity.
The “that you are not very familiar with” is
important. If you work in an office and write memos every week, please do not
choose to focus on memos here.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you become
acquainted with a particular genre of writing that you, personally, will need
to employ in your academic, professional, or personal lives.
Step 1:
Respond to the “Brain Dump: Writing and Your Life “Discussion
Board post.
Once I have approved your topic, you may begin!
Step 2:
Find three examples of this genre of writing you’re
exploring: a good example, a mediocre example, and a plain terrible
Step 3:
Find answers to the following questions about the
genre itself.
Why do people write this document
in the first place – that is, what’s its purpose?
What makes it what it is? For
example, what makes a lab report a lab report? How do we know that’s what we’re
looking at?
What material/content must it
Who’s the audience for it? What
kind of assumptions are generally made about the audience through the writing?
(For example, if a lab report is laden with jargon and doesn’t go into detail
when listing previous studies, the rhetor – that is, the author – may be
assuming that their readers are experts in the field.)
In what contexts do we find it? Classrooms?
Professional Journals? Individual workplaces? Social Media?
What conventions of format or
design are typical of this genre? Will we know what it is immediately when we
see it?
What style of
writing/communication is used? Formal, conversational, jargon-heavy? Explain
Is AI currently used in the
construction of this genre? If yes, how? If not, do you imagine it will become
so? If AI is used, what role do people play in the creation of this genre? For
example, input of prompts or revision.
What else do we need to consider in order to
really get our heads around what this document is and what it’s doing?
10.  What
style(s) of citation are used? If no specific style is used – such as
academic-y ones like Modern Language Association (MLA) or American
Psychological Association (APA) – how is information attributed to its source
or legitimized?[1]
Step 4: Copy and paste or screenshot these examples
into a word document. If they’re very long, just copy and paste or screenshot
part of it.
Step 5:
Analyze each example. Tell me what makes each example good, mediocre, and
terrible. Point to specific instances in your examples! You can use
direct quotes or bring my attention to certain places in the document.
Write at least one paragraph per example. Please be
Step 6:
Write your own snippet of a document of this genre,
approx. 250-300 words. You will likely need to invent the circumstances, and
that’s okay!
Step 7:
Post to the Discussion Board: Writing and Your Life
Assignments. Read and respond to three of your peers’ work!
Note: you can ask experts in the world for guidance,
like professors and professionals. I will give you 5 extra points on this assignment if you include an
interview. 
Lab Reports. Law firm case notes. Teacher’s lesson plans.
Recipe for a blog. Emergency evacuation plan. Sales pitch. Oral/visual report
to a financial board. Soil sample breakdown for farmers. Grant proposal.
Abstract for an academic/scientific article. Public Service Announcement.
Advertisement. Newsletter. Lecture. Quarterly report. Art History thesis. One
Act play. Web page. Blog Post. Interview. Resume. Cover Letter. Emails. Letter
to congress/political representatives. Petition.
Template: How I
expect this assignment to look
Your Name
My Name
English 105
– Catch my eye!
introduction. What genre of writing did you choose for this
assignment? Why did you choose it?
Questions 1-10 above in one or more body paragraphs. Please use complete sentences,
developed responses, and incorporate your sources. Tell me where you got your
Copy/pasted text or screen shot of example 1: The Good
A full paragraph analyzing what makes this a “good” model
for this genre. Remember to reference specifics from the example! If I’m
using letters to the editor, I would quote directly from the letter and comment
on any pertinent feature I saw. Maybe the author’s tone was respectful towards
those who think differently, and I found that effective for some reason.
Copy/pasted text or screen shot of example 2: The Mediocre
A full paragraph analyzing what makes this a “mediocre”
model for this genre
Copy/pasted text or screen shot of example 3: The Terrible
A full paragraph analyzing what makes this a “terrible”
model for this genre.
Note: if you can’t find a really terrible example, 2
mediocres are okay, as long as all your analyses are strong.
Your Sample Example
Your 250-300 word snippet of your own example here. This is
where I would write my own letter to the editor.
Write a brief conclusion noting what stood out to you in
this assignment. What of note did you learn that you can apply to your work in
the future?
Works Cited
In MLA format, list your references. That includes your
three examples and where you found them. If you interviewed someone, include it
here. If you did any research on your genre – which you probably had to do to
answer those questions – list all references here.


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