Find a 20 minute or longer video or movie and write a 2–3-page paper analyzing t


Find a 20 minute or longer video or movie and write a 2–3-page paper analyzing t

Find a 20 minute or longer video or movie and write a 2–3-page paper analyzing the video using one theory on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) chapter 9 and three concepts (Sex differences, Drone Pilots and Moral Injury, and Who is Vulnerable to Mental Health Problems in the Military) from the textbook of Perspectives in Male Psychology by Liddon and Barry. Do not summarize the video. Only provide as many of the details as needed to substantiate your claim on the content’s application to the psychology concepts or theory learned in the course. 
VIDEO:  Fight or Flight: the veterans at war with PTSD
Writing format:
Begin with an introduction. Follow with a paragraph on the theory and its application to the video. Then have 3 separate paragraphs focusing on 1 concept identified with your video examples. Then end with a conclusion.
Do not give an MLA heading on the top left of the page or place your name on the paper.
Double space the entire paper.
Tab indent all paragraphs.
Use Ariel 12 font.
Each paragraph must have citations to credit the facts to your textbook and the video. The citation for your textbook is (Liddon & Barry, 2021). Citations are placed in the sentence and can be placed either at the beginning of the paragraph or the end.
The full book reference must be given one time at the end of the summary. The reference for the text is:
Liddon, L., & Barry, J. (2021). Perspectives in male psychology: An introduction. Wiley Blackwell.
Use the following format to reference a feature film at the end of the paper:
Director, D. D. (Director). (Date of publication). Title of motion picture [Film]. Production company.
Use the following format to reference a Youtube video at the end of the paper:
Person or group who uploaded video. (Date of publication). Title of video [Video]. Website host. URL 
Remember that Youtube is not the author of the video. The author’s name can be found under the title under the video. The date of publication is found under the author’s name, but you may have to click on it to access that information. See Purdue Owl APA or a writing tutor if you need to create the references and citations.
Work that is not cited and referenced will not be graded as it will be considered plagiarism.
Summarize and paraphrase only; do not quote the textbook or points will be deducted.
Do not give any opinions or personal examples.
The reference does not count towards the page count.


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