Dream Theory by Joshua Amon – Saturday, June 15, 2024, 4:12 PM Number of replies


Dream Theory
by Joshua Amon – Saturday, June 15, 2024, 4:12 PM
Number of replies: 0
Dream Theory
The most recent dream that I can remember was a dream I had about hanging out with old friends and working at my old job. It was like things never changed and I was seeing everyone that I haven’t seen in years, but they were still there as well. It definitely wasn’t a bad dream in any way and when I woke up, I felt like maybe I just missed the people that I used to be around all the time and now don’t see. I get dreams like that once in awhile and I think it has a lot to do with how my life has changed so much in 10 years. I was a young man back then with no expectations and only my self to take care of. Now I have children and responsibilities that take most of my time up. I can’t honestly say I have many friends to name off. The dream theory that I think best describes this dream is possibly Wish Fulfillment. My thinking is that my mind is actively letting me know while dreaming that I need more friendships in my life, like I had in the past. Honestly I agree completely its just my life has been so busy lately.


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