In the previous unit, both technologies and ideologies began to both unify and d


In the previous unit, both technologies and ideologies began to both unify and d

In the previous unit, both technologies and ideologies began to both unify and divide the population of the new American nation. “Manifest destiny,” the “Trail of Tears,” the cotton gin and new urban jobs and conditions generated wealth and division.
In this unit, we focus on slavery and the growing political struggle between slave and non-slave states, and between pro-slavery and free-soil visions for the new states entering the union. This is a time of multiple failing compromises, rebellion, and violent exchanges. We also learn about slave culture including ways of resisting, from work slowdowns, to missing or broken tools, to outright violent resistance including 5 major rebellions in the 1800-1850 period.
IMPORTANT REMINDERS ON THE ESSAY: The Essay is an opportunity to act as a historian would, selecting key causes of the Civil war. How do we write a formal essay that doesn’t describe but makes a case to support our choice and insights? We write an “argument” which is a logically unfolding deliberation over key evidence to support our own diagnosis, prioritization, or other insight. A narrow and uncommon insight is the best possible thesis so look for nuances about how the cause you chose shaped the dawn of war. Even though you’re looking at three different kinds of causes, deliberate over them until you see one main and specific point you want to make about the cause of war. A thesis is always an uncommon insight about all of the data you select. Remember you can go back to the live lecture recording for advice and examples of strong and weak thesis statements. Remember to review the course announcement on strong and weak sources, and to use citations even when you do not quote!


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