The Music of an Era For this writing assignment you will select at lest 3 of the


The Music of an Era
For this writing assignment you will select at lest 3 of the

The Music of an Era
For this writing assignment you will select at lest 3 of the songs we played
during class from Chapters 27 and 28 on the 1960s and 1970s, then briefly write
your thoughts of them, as well as, how they appeared to influence the era in question
and those beyond. Think of these songs as primary sources that offer insight
into key events and movements of the past. Use them as a window into the
thoughts and feelings of this volatile period in American history, whose
participants were fulled by the changing events and music around them.
Your complete response should consist of at least a paragraph on each
track, that discusses its lyrics and sound, the perceived meaning or message
within the period in focus (1960 -1979), the band or singer behind the work,
and how the song came to influence those listening to it, or became symbolic of
the era. What does this song show us about the era and how does it represent
some of what we’ve seen in class?
You should begin your
essay with a brief introduction that provides a bit of background information
on the topic as well as stating your thesis, while also mentioning and
outlining what specific sources you are going to use in your analysis
to respond to the question / questions being asked. Next, work
on using each source to illustrate your argument, serving as evidence to prove
your statements and assertions.  When referencing each source within your
response, be sure to also provide a basic introduction for it that analyzes its
influence within the context of our class. You will want to be sure to discuss
who the author?  Who was their audience? What was the source attempting to
accomplish, and how? (use specifics) What was going on in the nation during the
era in which the source was produced that sparked its creation and how was the
source received by those it was intended for / its opposition / those
undecided?  What influence did the source have on the events in focus? Be
sure to use key terms and supporting details from class and your readings to
really tie these speeches and addresses into the larger events of the era we’ve
focused on this unit.  Finally, what is the lasting legacy of these ideas
or arguments on American history? After addressing the topic while also
analyzing 3 to 5 of the provided sources in your content paragraphs, be sure to close your
response with a conclusion paragraph summarizing or recapping the major points
of each source and also restate your thesis statement that addresses the
question / questions being asked. 
While you
are only required to use at least 3 of the sources, be aware that all of these
sources could easily be used to provide insight and make a detailed argument on
the subject should you also choose. Be sure to make the best argument possible
knowing that many of your fellow classmates will utilize several of available
sources for this assignment and those responses using less than 5 sources
will have difficulties earning full credit. Remember you will not
necessarily just contextualize and provide background on each source, but also
use them to help analyze the controversial era in focus within that chapter and
answer the questions being asked in the paragraph above.
completed response should total at least 750 to 1000 words (Although you can
certainly go longer if needed) and are due in Canvas on Monday 5/6. Formatting
for this assignment is not specific so you are welcomed to use MLA, APA, or
Chicago / Turabian, as long as basic attempts are made to cite specific
references, or at least one general citation per document used at the end of
the paragraph it is first discussed, ex: (Bob Dylan, The Times They Are a
Changin’) or (James Brown, Say It Loud – I’m Black and I’m
Proud). Additional outside sources are not required and you can cite the
textbook by using the author’s last name and page number, ex: (Shi, 997). Do
not include a work cited or references page. 
David Shi. America: A Narrative History, Vol. 2, Brief 12th Edition, (New York: Norton & Company, 2022). ISBN 978-0393882568
Helpful Links
A Narrative History, Vol. 2, Brief 12th Edition:  EbookLinks to an external site.
Writing Assignment 2 Song List:
Sam Cooke “A Change is
Gonna Come” 1963. to an external site.
James Brown “Say It
Loud I’m Black and I’m Proud” 1968. to an external site.
Aretha Franklin “Respect”
1967. to an external site.
Jefferson Airplane “White
Rabbit” 1967. to an external site.
Buffalo Springfield “For
What It’s Worth” 1967. to an external site.
Bob Dylan “The Times They
Are a-Changin’ “ 1964. to an external site.
Bob Dylan “Like A Rolling
Stone” 1965. to an external site.
The Beatles “Revolution”
1968. to an external site.
Creedence Clearwater
Revival “Fortunate Son” 1969. to an external site.
Country Joe McDonald “Feel
Like I’m Fixing to Die Rag” Live at Woodstock, August 1969. to an external site.
Jimi Hendrix “All Along
the Watchtower” 1968. to an external site.
Jimi Hendrix “The
Star-Spangled Banner” Live at Woodstock, August 1969. to an external site.
Minimize Video
SSG Barry Sadler “The
Ballad of the Green Berets” 1966. to an external site.
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