Analyze problems 1, 5, 6, and 7. –For problem 1, store the solution to part A a


Analyze problems 1, 5, 6, and 7.
–For problem 1, store the solution to part A a

Analyze problems 1, 5, 6, and 7.
–For problem 1, store the solution to part A as a separate file before starting part B. We will return to the part A program later on. What strategies did you try to identify 
alternate optima?
–Problem 5 is an extension of problem 1. To work on it, return to the solution in part A.
–There are no special instructions for problem 6.
–For problem 7, develop a mathematical model only. Do not program and solve it.
— Combine the solutions to the problems into a single Word document for 
submission. Include your programming code for each problem  as an appendix. 
I have attached a sample code outline as well as the textbook outline. 


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