Students are required to choose one of the topics provided by the instructor or


Students are required to choose one of the topics provided by the instructor or

Students are required to choose one of the topics provided by the instructor or they can come up with an interesting topic of current events and then obtain approval from the instructor. It can be a recent hot topic that attracted public scrutiny and is covered by the mass media. The paper should provide solutions to an investigated problem and should be based on research findings. It should make connections to the course content and reflect a student’s reaction. The final paper must be professionally written of 4 to 5 double-spaced pages (12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins) excluding references. This paper must include at least two outside (different from assigned readings) sources cited in the proper APA (American Psychological Association) format. One of these two outside sources must be a book or an academic peer-reviewed journal (e.g. Policing & Society, Police Quarterly, Justice Quarterly, Criminology & Public Policy, Police Practice & Research, International Journal of Police Science & Management, and Police Studies). Merely web sources will not be sufficient. Students will be required to attach a bibliography of used sources at the end of the paper in APA style. The final paper will be graded based on accuracy, organization, coherence, a reflection of analytical thinking, individual reactions, and proper citation in accordance with APA style. The topic that I chose for this paper is “The Future Of Policing”


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