Description Please work toward filling out this journal on a weekly basis. There


Please work toward filling out this journal on a weekly basis. There

Please work toward filling out this journal on a weekly basis. There is one prompt for each Unit, beginning with Unit 1 and ending with Unit 9. The entire, completed journal is to be submitted only once, in Unit 9.
Please complete one prompt per Unit. This journal is to track your progress and development throughout the course as well as reflect on important skills, tools, interventions, and processes as they are learned in the Units. 
Please treat each prompt as its own assignment. Please only use the space provided for your response. Each entry should be a minimum of 250 words, not including references that are to be included on the same page as your response. You are welcome to go over 250 words, but do not add extra pages or bleed over into another prompt page. Please use single spacing with 12 point font. APA7 is expected with clear, comprehensive writing.
It is expected that you will utilize references and citations to make your opinions and ideas strong and credible within each prompt.
This journal is primarily to promote your own self-awareness and ability to self-monitor. Therefore, it is expected that you delve into your own growth throughout this process and use first person in all your responses. You are to become your own observer and evaluator within this journal. Use this journal to reflect not only on your skills but on you as a person as you develop into a counsellor.
Using the attached template to add each journal entry:.
Criteria % of Assignment Grade
1. Responses demonstrate an understanding of the Unit topics, course readings, and the related subject matter. Ideas, opinions, etc. are supported with course material and/or additional, relevant sources. /30
2. Demonstrates appropriate developmental self-awareness and ability to self-monitor in alignment with a beginning (novice) counsellor. Shows a willingness to explore development and critique progress and consider both strengths and weaknesses.  /30
3. Addressed each weekly prompt fully in alignment with instructions and expectations for the assignment. /20
4. Writing: APA references and citations are formatted properly; responses are clear, with a professional, yet reflective tone, and includes correct grammar and spelling.  /20
TOTAL /100


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