research question:Are self driving cars safe? Into, yes reason1, yes reason2, No


research question:Are self driving cars safe?
Into, yes reason1, yes reason2, No

research question:Are self driving cars safe?
Into, yes reason1, yes reason2, No reason 30% and yes reason60%, conclusion
Please write this article as a high school student, without too many academic words.
I need five citations to support my article.
Note that the article should be written in the structure of an argumentative essay.
To let readers know my research question
Research paper parameters Use 1000 words Use 3/4 reliable academic sources Use a header with the topic for all pages Use a footer with page numbers Use Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri Use font size 12 Use double space Use cover page with your name, student ID, topic, class, instructor’s full name, and institution name Use proper indentation Use proper spacing Use left alignment Use APA citation Use proper punctuation and capitalization Use a new page for end of text references  


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