Sources can be no older than 5 years. The minimum number of resources to be used


Sources can be no older than 5 years. The minimum number of resources to be used

Sources can be no older than 5 years. The minimum number of resources to be used for the paper is 10. All resources must be from
scholarly or peer-reviewed journals (usually found from databases such as ERIC, EBSCO Host,
or Info Trac). Resources must be diverse in nature, including articles from scholarly journals,
books, and professional websites. The research aspect must be your diligent work in ascertaining
current, scholarly resources to support your writing about the topic/issue. At least ten of your
resources must be five years old or newer. If you use older resources (particularly in the
Historical Summary section), be sure that at least ten in the overall paper are five years old or
Cover Page, Abstract, Introucation, Historical Summary: How did the issue develop and how has it been viewed in the past: Current Issues Descrive in the present culture of education and including strategies that are in lace to addres the issues. Biblical integration-What does the Scripture say about the issue and the Conclusion. The assignment must be written in third persaon and should be in expository form. Work will be submitted via Turn it in Abstract Introduction
Historical Summary: How did the issue develop and how has it been viewed in Current Issue: described in the present culture of education and includi Biblical integration: What does Scripture say about the issu Conclusi


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