Your final course project will be due the last day of class. Reviewing the work


Your final course project will be due the last day of class. Reviewing the work

Your final course project will be due the last day of class. Reviewing the work of Sherman et al (1998), the authors discovered various strategies that have been effective at reducing criminal activity. These scholars also addressed those strategies that have been unsuccessful as well as those that appear to be promising. Read the published article and provide some up-to-date perspectives on their work. This research piece, after all, was published in 1998. With that said, extract and discuss one idea that works and one idea that does not work (two total concepts). Your essay should be a minimum of 750-850 words (Times New Roman twelve-inch font and double-spaced). Points will be deducted otherwise. Your analysis must also be supported using three governmental, academic, or peer-reviewed sources and follow an APA format. Points will be deducted otherwise.


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