-This paper must cite at least three different non-textbook sources -You are req


-This paper must cite at least three different non-textbook sources
-You are req

-This paper must cite at least three different non-textbook sources
-You are required to submit a photocopy of any internet sources that you use
in your paper.
-All papers must be MLA format – 1-inch margins, double-spaced, typed,
complete heading. Papers not in the proper format will be documented a letter
grade. Papers without in-text citations and works cited pages will result in a
Define the ethical Altruism theory, give some background on the theory, and explain
how this particular theory applies to your life today, including your current
job and your potential future career (See the student examples I provided
for help). Remember we covered the ethical theories the first part of the
course. They are the isms, such as ethical egoism, cultural relativism,
utilitarianism, altruism, hedonism, etc. Do not use the topics in the second
part of the book. This is the applied ethics section of the course. For
example, I do not want a paper on abortion, the death penalty, etc. These
are not ethical theories.
Each paper must have a Works Cited. Complete bibliographical details of each
work must be given. The title, author, publisher (or journal title), date, place of publication (or
Internet address), and page number(s) should be given. Use as many sources as you want from
the Internet but see cautionary note below. Whenever you quote a source, paraphrase it, referto it, or use it to support or document a claim, you must cite that source.
Internet Sources
The internet is a great research tool; feel free to use it in doing research for your paper.
However, Internet sources are not generally peer-reviewed or otherwise monitored for
reliability, accuracy, or integrity. Therefore, use considerable caution when citing material
from the Internet. Make sure that the source is worthwhile. Use of Internet encyclopedias is
discouraged. In addition, sources such as Wikipedia, while possibly useful to give you an
overview of a subject, are not appropriate scholarly sources for an academic paper. The
instructor reserves the right to determine whether a quoted source is appropriate or not. Check
with the instructor if you have any questions about the appropriateness of Internet materials.
If you use internet sources for your project, post the entire article on your webpage. I don’t
just want a URL linking to your article.
Citations and Notes
You must indicate from where you are making any quotations you use in your paper. It is also
important to cite the source of arguments and ideas when you take them from a textbook or
other author. The way to do this is use in-text citation. If you have in-text citations, you must
include a works cited page with your essay. See a handbook, i.e. The Seagull Handbook or the
library has handouts available on how to do a works cited page.
Internet Sources
If you use an Internet source, you must submit it with your research paper. Failure to submit the
entire Internet source (not just the URL) with your research paper will result in a failing grade
(F) for the research paper. You can post these sources on your webpage with your paper.
I have attached the introduction and conclusion to my paper so you can make it personal to me.


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