Overview In order to understand the body, you need to know its parts (anatomy) a


In order to understand the body, you need to know its parts (anatomy) a

In order to understand the body, you need to know its parts (anatomy) and their functions (physiology), and how they all work together to form the human body. Participate in this discussion activity to begin your exploration into the body systems.
Pick your topic! Complete either Option 1 or 2, then ask one clarifying question.
Option 1:
Discovering the Human Body Through Anatomical Regions 
Create a detailed visual drawing of the human body in both anterior and posterior views, clearly labeling ten anatomical regions on each view using precise anatomical terminology.
• Submit a scanned or photographed image of your labeled drawings and accompany them with a short (1-3 minute) video recording in which you proficiently articulate the correct pronunciation of each anatomical term. If necessary, utilizesupplementary resources to ensure accuratepronunciation before recording your video.  
• This assignment will help to develop your understanding of anatomical terminology and proficiency in recognizing anatomical landmarks. 
• After reading the chapter, notes, and watching all the videos in the module, in your initial post, ask your peers 1 clarifying question about what you have not understood in this module. Be specific with the questions. 
• In your 2 reply posts please try and answer your instructor’s or your classmates’ clarifying questions.


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