Completed 3 page research paper on the topic “The future of   mental health in o


Completed 3 page research paper on the topic “The future of   mental health in o

Completed 3 page research paper on the topic “The future of   mental health in older the elderly”.
At least 4 references.
A title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count toward the 3-5 page requirement or total word count.
In-text citations in APA format.
An introductory paragraph with your clear, one-sentence thesis statement (this should NOT be underlined at this point).
Body paragraphs that use information from the sources as evidence to prove the thesis statement.
One paragraph that refutes opposing perspectives.
A conclusion paragraph that offers final thoughts and reiterates the thesis statement.
Proper spelling, syntax, and grammar.
Using the resources listed in the attached file.


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