For part D, student 8 is not a student who shows growth as this student scored 8


For part D, student 8 is not a student who shows growth as this student scored 8

For part D, student 8 is not a student who shows growth as this student scored 80% on the pre-assessment and then went to only proficient in one out of three areas on the formative assessment.
Student 2 scored a 50% on the pre-assessment but then is proficient in all three areas on the formative assessment, so this would be a student who showed growth.
I would switch those and then provide the accurate comparisons.
For the feedback, you want to be sure that you are providing feedback to the two identified students in part D. So if you use student 8 and student 2, those are the students that need feedback.
For part F, I would use the chart below to compare the pre-assessment to the summative assessment and to identify your two students.
The bottom row shows you the proficiency growth for each skill area and the column all the way to the right shows the overall score for each student. Student number 1 can be a student who shows growth, but the data you provide is not correct. Student number 2 shows growth, so you would need a different student for this aspect.
For part F1, you will provide feedback to the class and the two identified students based on the data above.


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