Over the last two days we have covered a lot of information about how we communi


Over the last two days we have covered a lot of information about how we communi

Over the last two days we have covered a lot of information about how we communicate to build and enforce relationships. We will add in more in the next module. A lot of the information overlaps and a lot is changing as we throw in all of the technological leaps and bounds we are going through. All of these concepts also play heavily into every type of close relationship that one has: family, friendships, love interests, work relationships, etc… So, for this assignment, I want you to pick out one of these ideas discussed and find an article through the UTK library databases about it. The article MUST be published within the last 5-6 years. Google scholar can also be used as long as you can fully access the article and it is from a reputable source. You will analyze the article given the below prompts. You will submit the article/article link along with your analysis. Each analysis should be 3+ pages in length (minimum 3), double spaced, correct margins and 12 point font (5 points) and include a works cited of any information cited plus the article in APA format (5 points). The article MUST have a theoretical foundation. For example: you can combine privacy in CMC in long distance relationships; or disclosure in online environments; etc… Think of it like this: the article must combine theory, ideas discussed (privacy, technology, etc…) in regards to one of the core close relationships (family, friendships, romantic relationships, etc…).
Please include:
• Summary: What theoretical idea(s) or research questions inspired the study? What
methods were used to investigate the topic? What were the most notable results?
What implications do the results have for real life and/or for future research? (10 points)
• Analysis: How do these findings relate to the readings or additional readings you may have found? Were the findings
consistent with what was presented in the readings? What were the main strengths of the
article? What did you think the authors did especially well in describing or analyzing
their results? What were the main weaknesses of the article? What were the
limitations of the methods used? What interpretations did the authors make that you
think are in error, unjustified, or over-stated? What lingering questions do you have?
(30 points)


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