Researcher question: how do luxury brands leverage social media to gain brand lo


Researcher question: how do luxury brands leverage social media to gain brand lo

Researcher question: how do luxury brands leverage social media to gain brand love among european Gen-Z
The dissertation is more like a research project
The objectives of the research are
– Which Social Media strategies do Luxury Brands 
– What kind of content are most effective in generating engagament and brand love among Gen-Z 
– Gain insights on how Gen-Z perceives Luxury brands on social media
– Understand how social media can create brand love.
Contents page
1. Introduction
Introduce the topic
Provide preliminary background information to put your topic and research into context 
Explain the purpose of the study
Specify your research aims and objectives
Point out the value or benefit of the study
Don’t promise anything that can’t be delivered later
Objectives of the study
Here you should make explicit the key question and objectives of the study.
2. Research methodology
Research approach
Primary research methors
Limitations of the study
3. Literature review
For the literature review it is important to synthesize the sources, and draw conclusions, there are many refrences needed in the literature review as it is the base of the primary research. Important is the Brand Love Framework by Micheals (see image in document)
Add description of the source
Summarise the argument /
-point-of-view of the literature/source
Highlight key findings that connect to the theme that relates to your investigation – state if they confirm, or conflict with other sources. (example: xxx view on xxx conjucts with xxx)
Key themes literature review
Brand Love, 
Social Media Marketing, 
4. Research results and analysis
5. Conclusions and recommendations
Please include an AI Turnitin certificate and plagirism report


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