Every student in Phil. class is required to write a philosophy paper, minimum 10


Every student in Phil. class is required to write a philosophy paper, minimum 10

Every student in Phil. class is required to write a philosophy paper, minimum 1000 word count. The title page must include your total word count for your entire paper. This includes the entire content of your paper, from title page to cited source page.  It is to be double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman, MLA format, minimum two sources. The book and the notes can be used as sources, also academic journals, websites etc. Title page and works cited page required.
Grading Rubrics: You will be graded on the following: paper outline, format, and bibliographical entries; which is your ability to illustrate an understanding of the topics and themes chosen for study, including explanation of issues, and lastly, the conclusions and outcomes which speak of student’s logical and reflective insights from the data and information that you have studied.
Topic Selection: Explain and summarize Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics. Do you think it is a valid ethical system? Why or why not?


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