Please describe how COVID-19 has impacted your pathway to becoming a Physician A


Please describe how COVID-19 has impacted your pathway to becoming a Physician A

Please describe how COVID-19 has impacted your pathway to becoming a Physician Assistant. The questions below will help you get started, but do not limit your responses to only these considerations.
Academic: Did your school move to an online-only curriculum? Were you able to interact with your professors? Did your school require you to move to the Pass/Fail grading system? Did your original GRE exam get canceled or delayed? Were there Other academic barriers?
Professional: Did you hold a job? Did you have to go out and seek new job opportunities? Did you lose a job? Were there other financial or professional barriers that you faced?
Please touch on having to switch to online curriculum and how that can be a bit more difficult with science courses because of the lab but mention how I overcame and that laid the foundation for how I would obtain my bachelor’s degree.(in an online format)
Please also mention losing my job of 5 years without explanation hitting what felt like rock bottom especially with the uncertainty that COVID brought into the world. I felt like grad school was too much of a longshot since I had two kids and was unemployed but I also overcame and was able to get a job in a clinic for a few months to get some patient care experience hours
Please also touch on how this affected my gpa and made it more difficult with majority of my courses being science based it can be more difficult to take those courses online.


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