For this assignment, please choose one of the following art work shown below to


For this assignment, please choose one of the following art work shown below to

For this assignment, please choose one of the following art work shown below to analyze. Title: Oath of the Horatii. In textbook, Chapter 12, image 12.10.
Preliminary format
State the title of the art work in italics, its date, size, artist, material/media used, style of artwork.
Include an image of the artwork you are discussing in your essay. Minimum word count is 550 words of essay material, double spaced, 12 pt. type.
Thesis statement
State what you are going to write about in your assignment – a precise thesis statement about what central topic you have found out about your artwork.
Art Elements and terminology Point out and comment on what art elements you have found in the art work (recall from Chapter 2 the art elements are: line, shape, volume/mass, light & value, color, texture & pattern, space, time & motion). Design principles and terminology
Point out and comment on what principles of composition/design you have found in the art work (recall from Chapter 2 the principles of composition are: focal point & emphasis, balance, rhythm, proportion & scale, unity & variety).
Content and historical information State the content – its meaning or the ideas behind the artwork – (recall from Chapter 1 and Chapter 4). This could include the subject matter, cultural, religious, social, political, or historical information. Citations in your essay
MLA parenthetical citations may be used to cite your research (3 minimum) within the text of your paper. In order to gain the most points, please follow the correct format for the MLA style. Note: Wikipedia and tourist web sites do not count as scholarly sources. Plagiarism: make sure to support your research with citations. (See example below on how to cite your essay). Work cited page/bibliography
List your resources on a works cited page/bibliography at the end of your essay. The citations within your essay (see above) need to correlate with the sources that are listed on your works cited page. Note: Wikipedia and tourist web sites do not count as scholarly sources for research. Use and state a minimum of 3 different research sources on what you have found out about your paper. A correct format for your list of works cited references is important in order to get the maximum amount of points. (See example below).
Please check the mechanics of your paper: typos, as well as syntax, capitalization, and punctuation count. ____________________________________________________
Please find 2 videos in that will be beneficial in citing your essay: Citation Information for Visual Analysis Paper Assignment.
(1) “How to Include in-text Citations when Paraphrasing”
(2) “Citation for Beginners.”
*Please note: Wikipedia and tourist websites are not acceptable references for research and do not count as points towards college level research sources in your citations or works cited page. ­­­­­­­­­­­ ______________________________________________________
*Example of parenthetical in-text citation within your essay material:
Michelangelo’s sculpture of David is considered a masterpiece of Renaissance art (Sayre, 25).
*and its corresponding Works Cited page reference
Sayre, Henry M. World of Art. Pearson, 2016.
*Example for a website parenthetical in-text citation within your essay material: There is a detailed questionnaire which allows…(Langhamer). *its corresponding website Work Cited page reference:
Langhamer, Claire. “Love and Courtship in Mid-Twentieth-Century England.” Historical Journal 50.1 (2007): 176-96. ProQuest. Web. 11 April 2023.


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